2008: India launched its first mission to the Moon, Chandrayaan-1. This mission marked a significant milestone in India's space exploration efforts and contributed to lunar research.

2000: The first commercial camera phone, the J-SH04, was released in Japan, marking a significant milestone in mobile technology.

1992: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) launched the first Indian satellite dedicated to mobile communication, INSAT-2A.

1986: The first use of digital cellular technology was launched in Japan, revolutionizing mobile communications.

1973: The Pioneer 10 spacecraft became the first to travel through the asteroid belt and make direct observations of Jupiter.

1943: The first commercially available computer, the Colossus, was put into operation. It was used for codebreaking during World War II.

1934: The first Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to George R. Minot, William P. Murphy, and George H. Whipple for their discoveries related to liver therapy in anemia.

1924: The birth of Baba Amte, a prominent social activist known for his work with leprosy patients and for advocating for the rights of marginalized communities in India.

1924: D. W. Griffith, an influential filmmaker, released his silent film “The Battle of the Sexes,” showcasing early techniques in narrative film.

1883: The famous Indian scientist and engineer Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose was born. He made pioneering contributions in the field of biophysics and plant physiology and is known for his work on radio waves.