Ctrl + Shift + Space bar : Create a non breaking space

Ctrl + B : Make letters bold

Ctrl + I  : Make letters italic

Ctrl + U : Make letters  underline

Ctrl + Shift + <  : Decrease font size one value

Ctrl + Shift + >  : Increase the font size one value

Ctrl + [  : Increase the font size by 1 point

Ctrl + ]  :Decrease the font size by 1 point

Ctrl + Space bar  : Remove paragraph or character formatting

Ctrl + C  : Copy the selected text or object

Ctrl + X  : Cut the selected text or object

Ctrl + V  : Paste text or an object

Ctrl + Alt + V  : Paste special

Ctrl + Shift + V  : Paste formatting only

Ctrl + Z  : Undo the last action

Ctrl + Y  : Redo the last action